Stay Home and Take Free Ayurveda Classes with Deborah Rose

In the midst of this global health crisis, it can be easy to get lost or experience a lot of anxiety and isolation in the hysteria. Ubooker model, Deborah Rose, wants to help ease the burdens that come with coronavirus.
Until April 30th, all Ubooker models can access online classes for free from her Ayurvedic school in Los Angeles through the special student webpage link that she has been given to share with you! The Yoga Veda Institute has created webinars for these days of uncertainty. These classes will help to ground you, re-center your anxiety and refocus on self-care. They include yoga, meditation, wellness talks, Ayurvedic medicine classes and more! Deborah will also be leading a class at some point in the coming weeks!
As we work together to keep one another safe, our own wellness ranks high on the list of priorities as well. We are here to help and support you in any way we can. Stay safe, stay healthy and keep your heads up!
Please note that the times for the classes are PST (Los Angeles time) and are available until April 30th.
Login and check your messages for the link to the school!