8 Things To Do for Yourself and Others During the Coronavirus Down Time

Over 190 countries around the world are feeling the effects of Covid-19 with no real end in sight. Most of us are self-isolating to protect ourselves and others, support our health workers and ultimately, save lives.
That means a lot of time at home, and some of us are spending that time alone. It also means that our jobs as models, like those of many other freelancers, are on hold for now. We understand that this is a hard and stressful time with the lack of work and isolating, as well as the general stress of the global pandemic. So, we wanted to put together some ideas for how to spend your time that will help reduce anxiety and give you the opportunity to grow.
For You:
1. Try a new recipe (since you may be spending a lot more time cooking!).
- Silvia Grossi, executive chef of the 44-room villa, Il Salviatino, in Fiesole, near Florence, Italy, has taken to social media to host cooking lessons from her own kitchen.
- Milk Street has opened up access to their entire line of online cooking classes available for free through April 30.
2. Clean and organize your home! It’s time to Marie Kondo your space!
3. Take an online course you've been meaning to get to. We love these websites.
4. Begin a 20-minute workout or meditation routine everyday.
- Peloton is offering free access to their online workouts for 90 days!
- Core Power Yoga has put up a number of video classes for everyone to view.
- The holistic-minded Soul Community Planet’s 49-room property in Oregon, USA, have transitioned their classes online through the Zoom app or Facebook live and are posted on the hotel’s Facebook timeline for everyone to use!
- The YMCA has a host of online classes-everything from yoga, to barre to Tai Chi! Read or listen to a good book.
- Headspace is offering free meditations designed to help you weather the storm of Covid-19.
- The meditation app Calm is offering a free trial, plus there is a page full of resources to help us “meet this moment together”.
5. Scribd is giving a free 30 day trial for all their e-books, audio books and articles! You could even join or start an online book club and read with others.
6. Visit a virtual museum exhibition! The digital platform, Google Arts & Culture, has partnered with more than 2,000 cultural institutions from 80 countries, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, the Musée d’Orsay in Paris and the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.
7. Journal. Whether that’s a video journal or a physical one, recording this extraordinary this time and looking back on it in the future seems like an awesome idea to us.
8. Look out for our giveaways and special in-app offers from Ubooker to support you guys through this time.
For Others:
- Offer grocery store runs for the elderly.
- Contribute food or donate money to your local food bank.
- Support your favorite local restaurants by getting a delivery.
- Support your favorite local shops by getting gift cards or ordering from them online.
- Ask your favorite non-profits / charities how you can be most helpful during this time.
- Write letters to your loved ones
- Call parents and offer to read their kids a story or give them an online class
- Stay positive, smile and practice gratitude. This is one of the best ways to support others.
Keeping safe:
As annoying as it can be to be home all the time, staying home = saving lives! Please be sure to follow the below.
- Stay at home! This breaks the virus’ chain of contagion.
- Wash your hands often. Any soap kills the virus because it dissolves the fat membrane that keeps the virus cell together.
- Avoid touching unwashed hands to your face. Always cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue that you can then throw away or sneeze into your elbow and later change your clothes.
- If you must go out, practice social distancing. Keep 6ft distance between you and others.
- The sooner we all stay home, the sooner we get to hug and hang out again.
- Check out the WHO‘s full guidelines on coronavirus prevention.