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2020 A Decade in Review

January 13, 2020


2020 is here! 

It’s tradition to look back on the past months before leaping into January. This isn't your average new year's, though. We are jumping into a brand new decade! With that, a reflection of the past ten years seems necessary.

So, here we are! A decade in review from the Ubooker perspective. We are so excited to welcome in the new year and with it the new decade. Here’s our list of the biggest moments that are acting as the building blocks for the 2020s. 

We can’t wait to see where modeling and the fashion industry go in this new decade.



Models Speak Up

This decade saw the rise of the #Metoo movement in the entertainment industry. After exposing injustices against men and women, models shone a light on their own #Metoo experiences. The results were industry-wide and are continuing to have an impact. 

Fashion’s whistleblowers helped topple big-name abusers and vowed to not let these abuses go under the radar again. Industry vets like Cameron Russell and Diet Prada amplified these stories using #myjobshouldnotincludeabuse. Abuses like these will no longer remain in the dark. 

A new era of safe and honorable business practice is, slowly but surely, becoming the norm.



Big Fashion Gets a Rewrite

Fashion’s old conventions have gone out of style. Victoria’s Secret will no longer parade what it once deemed “the ideal body” after receiving backlash over lack of diversity and ignorant business practice. The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is officially over.

Instead, brands that celebrate inclusivity are getting the spotlight. Designers are embracing androgyny and unconventionality over old-school. Consumers are eating it up. Just check out Google's most-searched style icon of 2019.

Even big brands like Victoria's Secret are acknowledging the desire for change. Their president promised to evolve along with fashion's new standards.



Sustainability Becomes a Force

In a major leap for sustainability, much of the fashion world made pledges to conduct business respecting the environment. Kering and its brands led the way into adopting a carbon neutral policy going forward. Hundreds of brands are stepping up to the pledge as well. 

This jump was made possible because of fashion's consumers. Sustainable consumption is gaining momentum alongside androgynous and 90s fashion for the new era. The demands for environmentally friendly clothing is not only necessary but trendy too.



Ubooker’s 1000+ Models

To end this list of achievements, Ubooker hit over 1000 models on its platform this year. Alongside the growth on this end of the business, clients are hearing the rumors and following suit. As we continue to grow, more opportunities are sure to follow.  

We are excited to have you on board this journey and are positive that great change is coming! Online talent-booking, non-exclusive contracts and total control over your work and schedule will soon come to define what modeling is about in this new decade. Get ready to help us shake up the system!

If the 2010-2019 era taught us anything, the biggest takeaway was how influential actions can be. By taking the role as leaders in our industry, we have the power to change how it’s run from the inside.

Happy new decade! 

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